
This is the downloads page. In here you can find every program we have made. Each program will have a definition of what kind of program it is, how big it is, who made it, and also a brief description of what it does. Feel free to download them all if you want!


Name: MADS, Type: Archiver, Size: 327K,
Version: 1.4, Author: Alvaro Thompson
Brief Description:

MADS stands for Multi Archiver / Dearchiver System. It's basically a util which can archive and extract files and drawers. It has a variety of different options, and can extract with 5 different extracters and archive with Lha and Lzx. Requires OS2+

Click here to download.


Name: DTInfo, Type: DataType Stats (Pictures), Size: 23K,
Version: 1.14, Author: Alvaro Thompson
Brief Description:

DTInfo a program which uses DataTypes to give you statistics about pictures. Useful for finding out the (IMG WIDTH and HEIGHT) tags. Requires Workbench 3.

Click here to download.